sábado, 24 de mayo de 2014

different models of migration

   1)      The model of the Iberian kingdoms: Castile / Spain
        Firstly we have to say that is very difficult to make an estimation of the real number of migrators, not only because there are not clearly statistics, but also the concept migration is a contemporary concept, so the documents of this period did not speak about migrations.
        In the first three decades of the 15th century there was no a Spanish migration, it was a migration of Castilians. The reason is that the American colonies belong to Castile, so the rules were applied by Castilian Crown, and the migrators were only Castilians. Nonetheless, there were illegal migrations of Aragoneses. When in the XVIII century the different countries of the Iberian peninsula, like Aragon, Navarra or Catalonia were conquered by the Castilians, people from those lands were consider part of Castile, so they could migrate legally to America.
       As a rule, there was no problem with the illegal migrators, but when in time of crisis the official authorities traveled to the America and they ask for Spanish migrators, the illegal migrators were forced to pay a composición.
       From the beginning the Crown want the control of the number of people who travel to America, so there were some paperwork you have to carry out. One of these things is to show that you have some contact or job there, which can explain the reason of your migration, to demonstrate that you are not going to do some illegal activities. Another thing you have to probe is that you are catholic, because the migration was forbidden for Muslims and Jewish. In summary, there were two main conditions, to be Spanish and to be catholic.
         Finally, about the places that Spanish conquers elected to go to, they were highly populated places, like Inca and Aztec empires.

2)      English/ british model:
        From the beginning of the 16th century to the independence, about 900.000  immigrants came to the British colonies.
          There were two different types of colonisations:
·         “Organize colonizations”. Some groups of people were send to colonize some particular lands. These grups of people were formed by religion minorities, because the problems between different religions were emerging in Great Britain, so it was a great way to solve this problem. For example, a group of puritans were send to Massachusetts to colonize this land, the Quakers were send to Rode Island, Delaware and Maryland. This is the origin of the difference between the American lands.
·         “Indentured servants”. This is the other way to migrate to America. Many English people were attracted to the colonies, however, they could not afford  Germans, Jewish...     

        Many English people were attracted to the colonies and wanted to move there. However, they could not afford to pay for they passage, so the London Company used ads to create interest. They attracted settlers by saying how great the New World was.
        Merchants and nobles created system called Indentured Servitude, whereby workers sold their labour for a period of time in exchange for passage to the colonies in America. They were not slaves, once their contract was over, they were free to do whatever they wanted.
         Contract stated conditions of agreement such as food, drink, clothing, housing, and what they would get after of service was over.

3)      The model of the French Empire
        The French empire was extended in two main areas, in the Caribbean, and  New France, from New Holland, trought the big lakes, and going down up to New Orleans.
         New France started at the start of the 16th century, and there were only about 300 French immigrants. The migrations were performed by minorities like Bretons, Normans and Basques.
       As the migration was no successfully, at the end of the century the French govern tried to do some forced migrations, among which were many jail females. By the end of the century there were about 65.000-70.000 persons living in New France.

1) The Iberian model is based on the control of migration under the supervision of stated-based institutions. The aim of the Crown was to create a unity based on catholic religion and raze, so they all had to be white and catholics.
2) The English model was basically a private business and a escape for minorities. It is important to say that they were not only british, there were also many Irish.
3) The French model is a conquest without migratory policy.

ELLIOT, J.H., España, Europa y el mundo de ultramar (1500-1800), Taurus, Madrid, 2010

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