lunes, 26 de mayo de 2014

Privateers and Pirates

In this post we are going to talk about the differences between pirates, privateers, buccaneers and filibusters, and also about the different causes that led to his birth.
Throughout the 16th century and the following centuries, the Atlantic countries began to be dissatisfied with their indirect participation in the colonial monopoly. That is why countries like France, Holland and England, thanks to their social and economic development, the evolution of their ships, and ever larger needs generated by commercialism, began to participate without intermediaries in the economic benefits of colonial exploitation.[1]
There were two main ways in which they took out the meddling in the Spanish monopoly, the contraband and the most violent, the piracy, which in war times turned into privateering. One of the first and most important contrabandists was John Hawkins, because the routes that he made ​​between 1562 and 1568 would be followed by other Europeans seeking direct connection with the colonies.

The objective of the contraband was to create a direct link with the American Colonies and their products; however, the interest of the pirates was to get the silver of the galleons, and also to disturb the Spanish commerce.
The pirates were free people, they did not have to be accountable to any country, but they also had no protection of any country. The pirates were sailors who were engaged in the same activity as pirates, there was just one difference, they had official permission of the king, which was called patente de corso. They only were allowed to attack in wartime, and it was totally legal, not as pirates. But we have to say that the governments often gave permissions out of the war. As a reward for the work done, the pirates received part of the booty they got in their attacks. Meanwhile, the pirates did not have to divide their booty with any Government; all they got was for them.
During the 16th and the 17th centuries, two new forms of piracy appeared in the Americas, we are talking about the filibusterism and the buccaneers.
The buccaneers were French who had occupied abandoned areas in La Española. There, they used to make smoke meat and treating leader for selling it to the ships. When the Spanish government expelled them from the island for not paying taxes, they settled in Turtle Island, and once there, they started to attack Spanish ships, often with the filibusters.
On the other hand we have the filibusters. They were freemen and they used very fast ships. Their main interest was to obtain loots as fast as possible.
As we can see, there are many names to refer to the same activity, and the major difference between them is the law under which they acted. There are also many reasons to explain why some people decide to choose this way of live, which was not very secure, but it made possible for many people to get rich quickly and governments attack their enemies.

 RIBOT GARCÍA, L.A.; “Europa y América en la época del monopolio ibérico”, in NAVARRO GARCÍA, L., Historia de las Américas II, Madrid, Universidad de Sevilla, 1991. (13-19)

[1] BIBLIOGRAFIA: RIBOT GARCÍA, L.A.; “Europa y América en la época del monopolio ibérico”, in NAVARRO GARCÍA, L., Historia de las Américas II, Madrid, Universidad de Sevilla, 1991. Page 15

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